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AT Command Reference

Commands, also called down-links in LoRaWAN language, are messages sent from the user to the device. Our trackers and sensors implement AT commands, originally established by the AT&T company, which are commonly used in various fields.

To apply them to your device, you need to either enter them on the user interface of IoT Wonderland or use our Development Kit to interface the device using a serial terminal program.

LoRaWan Configuration

Note: Unless you know what you are doing, it is best not to touch the LoRaWAN configuration, in particular not the device EUIs and keys.

Device EUI

  • AT+DEUI=[Device EUI] - set the device EUI (8 byte hex value).
  • AT+DEUI=? - read the device EUI.

Application EUI

  • AT+APPEUI=[Application EUI] - set the application EUI (8 byte hex value): This value is typically 0000000000000000.
  • AT+APPEUI=? - read the device EUI.

Application Key

  • AT+APPKEY=[Application EUI] - set the application key (16 byte hex value).
  • AT+APPKEY=? - read the application key.

Maintenance Payload Interval

  • AT+TX_INTERVAL_SEC=[seconds] - set the transmission interval in seconds.
  • AT+TX_INTERVAL_SEC=? - read the transmission interval in seconds.

Standby Interval

  • AT+TX_STANDBY=[minutes] - set the transmission standby interval in minutes in case LoRaWAN transmission failed. This essentially sets how often the device tries to send data when it previously lost connection to the network.
  • AT+TX_STANDBY=? - read the transmission standby interval in minutes.

Measurement Configuration

GPS Positioning Interval

  • AT+PERIOD=[period] - set the measurement period in minutes immediately (applied as soon as device sends the next payload.
  • AT+PERIOD=? - read the measurement preriod in minutes.
  • AT+TPERIOD=[i],[timestamp],[period] - schedule a measurement period change. Applied according to the timestamp specified, but not before the device sends the next payload.

    • i Index in schedule (0 to 9)
    • timestamp Date and time according to ISO 8601. For example 20240801T121314Z
    • period GPS interval in minutes

    For example: AT+TPERIOD=0,20240801T121314Z,15 to set the period to 15 minutes exactly on the 1st of August 2024, at 12:13 and 14 seconds, in UTC time. The same time set based on the CET time zone would be 20240801T141314+0200.

  • AT+TPERIOD=[i],0 - reset a scheduled measurement period change.

  • AT+TPERIOD=? - read the measurement preriod schedule.

GPS Accuracy

  • AT+EPE_TOL=[epe] - set GNSS measurement tolerance in meters. The GPS receiver will try to improve the position accuracy (DOP) until the specified tolerance is met.

  • AT+EPE_TOL=? - read the GNSS measurement tolerance.


Standby Mode

  • AT+OP_MODE=1 - activate measurement mode.

  • AT+OP_MODE=0 - hibernate the device. the device continues sending messages on port 111.

  • AT+OP_MODE=? - read the measurement mode.