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Command Set

AT Commands

AT commands are a means to read and change property values on the tracking device via the LoRaWAN downlink. To apply them to your device, you need to either enter them on the user interface of IoT Wonderland or use our development kit to interface the device using a serial terminal program.

LoRaWan Configuration

AT+APPEUI=[Device EUI] - set the device EUI (8 byte hex value).

AT+APPEUI=? - read the device EUI.

AT+APPEUI=[Application EUI] - set the application EUI (8 byte hex value): This value is typically 0000000000000000.

AT+APPEUI=? - read the device EUI.

AT+APPKEY=[Application EUI] - set the application key (16 byte hex value).

AT+APPKEY=? - read the application key.

AT+TX_INTERVAL_SEC=[seconds] - set the transmission interval in seconds.

AT+TX_INTERVAL_SEC=? - read the transmission interval in seconds.

AT+TX_STANDBY=[minutes] - set the transmission standby interval in minutes in case LoRaWAN transmission failed.

AT+TX_STANDBY=? - read the transmission standby interval in minutes.

Measurement Configuration

AT+PERIOD=[minutes] - set the measurement period in minutes.

AT+PERIOD=? - read the measurement preriod in minutes.

AT+EPE_TOL=[epe] - set GNSS measurement tolerance.

AT+EPE_TOL=? - read the GNSS measurement tolerance.

Operation mode

AT+OP_MODE=1 - activate measurement mode.

AT+OP_MODE=0 - hibernate the device. the device continues sending messages on port 111.

AT+OP_MODE=? - read the measurement mode.